Launch Checklist
Production Setup
- Review Aeropay's Integration Agreement to ensure your integration complies with our guidelines and requirements for use of Aeropay's software.
- Ensure you've included Aeropay's Terms & Conditions excerpt and link within your Terms & Conditions
- Ensure you've included Aeropay's Privacy Policy excerpt and link within your Privacy Policy
- Register for a production merchant in the merchant portal here. Note: your Aeropay representative may do this step for you.
- Add your teammates to the merchant portal in the 'Access' tab to give other users access.
- Review Aeropay's Messaging Guidelines to ensure your messaging & receipts align with our recommendations.
User Creation & Management
- For non-Aeropay SDK integrations, ensure you have SMS 2FA on user registration
- Ensure you're only creating Aeropay users once they have opted to using bank transfer as a payment method. It is recommended you call POST /user only after a user has selected Aeropay (or Online Banking) at checkout.
- Run a test of creating a new user.
- Run a test of creating a user that already has an Aeropay account. This will force the existing user MFA flow, and require calling POST /confirmUser.
- Call GET /user at least once per user session to ensure you are displaying a user's most updated list of connected banks.
Aerosync Bank Connections
- Ensure you are passing the correct consumerId when launching the Aerosync SDK.
- Run a test of a new user linking their first bank account.
- Run a test of a new user with existing bank connections.
- Run a test of a returning user who's bank has been removed.
- Ensure instant account verification (IAV) has been setup for your Aerosync instance, if necessary.
- Implement OAuth support & deep linking. The OAuth flow on web applications will work without additional setup, but mobile experiences will need to use a deep link to redirect the user from the OAuth login. You can test this flow with the Aerosync (OAuth) test bank in the sandbox environment.
- Standard transactions. Run a successful test of a standard transaction.
- Payout transactions. Run a successful test of an RTP or standard payout.
- Preauthorized transactions. Ensure you can successfully create and capture a preauth transaction.
- Ensure you properly capture payments before they expire. Preauthorized transactions will expire 72 hours after the preauth is created.
- Tipping. Ensure you can successfully add tips to standard or preauthorized payments.
- Ensure you are able to void, partially refund, or fully refund a transaction.
- Preauth transactions that have not been captured can be deleted with DELETE /preauthTransaction.
- Preauth transactions that have been captured, standard transactions, and payout transactions should be voided or refunded with GET /reverseTransaction.
Use of Aeropay webhooks are required for most Aeropay integration use cases.
- Subscribe to the transaction_declined webhook to keep updated on when payments are declined.
- Subscribe to the transaction_voided webhook to keep updated on when payments are voided.
- Subscribe to the user_active and user_status webhooks to keep updated on changes to user statuses. Users can be suspended on Aeropay due to fraudulent bank connections, outstanding payments, etc.
- Ensure you can receive webhooks from Aeropay's IP range.
Error Handling
- Intermittent outages or connectivity issues may result in occasional failures in Aeropay API calls. Ensure you've implemented necessary error handling to react accordingly. Find a full list of errors here.
Reporting & Reconciliation
- If you are fetching transaction data using POST /transactionSearch, make sure you implement pagination logic.
- Ensure you set up your SFTP data export with your dedicated Solutions Engineer.
Updated 3 days ago