Bugs Fixed

Merchant Portal

  • Fixed bugs affecting search for preauthorized transactions by user name or transaction id



  • New aeropassUUID parameter added to response to POST /user and GET /user. AeropassUUIDs are unique identifiers for users across Aeropay's suite of products.


Merchant Portal

  • Updates to merchant portal user experience and layout

Bugs Fixed

Merchant Portal

  • Fixed bug blocking merchant users from searching preauth transactions by uuid



  • Bolstered user security and blocks against bots

New Feature

Payment Link Transaction UUID

  • Introduced the ability to manually pass transaction_uuid as a unique identifier for payment link transactions.


Aeropay SDK

  • Re-introduced phone number verification for all new Aeropay users. VOIP, landline, toll free, and voice mail phone numbers will be blocked for all new users.

New Feature

Improved Refund Experience for Declined Payments:

We have introduced enhancements to the refund process for declined payments. When a payment is declined with the R01 error code (Insufficient Funds) and a refund is already queued for that payment, the following improvements will take effect:

  1. The payment declined will automatically be marked as resolved within the merchant portal.
  2. No webhook notification will be sent for the the decline.
  3. The user will receive a dedicated email notification informing them that the refund could not be initiated (See example below).

This update ensures a more streamlined experience for users by eliminating unnecessary steps after a declined transaction and offers clear communication about the refund status.

Bugs Fixed

Aeropay SDK

  • Fixed bug blocking users from making KindTap credit transactions


Aeropay SDK

  • Added ability for users to view and toggle between multiple linked banks.


Merchant Portal

  • New tooltips in the merchant portal include additional information about declined transactions and payment statuses.
  • New icon added to merchant portal to identify KindTap credit transactions.
  • New icon added to merchant portal to identify RTP payouts from standard ACH payouts.

Aeropay SDK & API

  • New phone verification process checks for invalid mobile numbers e.g. VOIP, prepaid, landline.


Aeropay SDK

  • Updated end user experience to Vue 3 across all SDK and payment links. These changes include updated branding, snappier animations, and faster load times.

On May 2nd 2024, the Aeropay SDK, QR codes, and payment link will migrate from online.aeropay.com to a new URL pay.aero.inc.

This change will not require updates to existing SDK integrations and is unrelated to API integrations.

However, if your integration currently whitelists aeropay.com in your security policy for the SDK, you will need to **update your Content Security Policy to include *aero.inc. This will ensure you do not block our new URL when this is released next week.

If any questions arise, please reach out on Slack or at solutions@aeropay.com

Enhanced Webhook Security

We will be making an improvement to our webhook security by adding a signing key to securely identify payloads from Aeropay. With this change, there will be a new endpoint POST /createWebhookSigningKey to create a webhook signing key that can compared against the hashed webhook payload.

Generating and using the webhook signing key is optional but highly recommended for security. Further information on how to generate and use a webhook signingKey will be in our documentation soon.

Webhook Payload Change

With this webhook security update, webhook payloads sent from Aeropay will now include a date parameter in addition to topic and data. This additional parameter is necessary to hash the webhook payload, url, and date and validate against your signingkey.

(NEW) Example Webhook Body

"topic": "transaction_declined",
"data": {
   "status": "nsf",
   "createdDate": "1702937461",
   "title": "Online Transaction,
   "amount": "20.00",
   "paymentType": "payout",
   "attributes": [],
   "apFee": "1.00",
   "uuid": "9545fcfb-1479-4db7-98c9-f15c368cb4ee",
   "userId": "1485",
   "merchantId": "1057",
   "id": "21204",
   "locationId": "1147",
   "returnCode": "R01"
"date": "2024-04-05 15:25:49" // new payload parameter