Integration Options

Account to Account Payments

Aeropay provides fast, secure, and cost-effective products for customers to pay businesses directly from their bank account. Aeropay has bank-level encryption, fraud prevention, and risk reduction measures built into every layer, ensuring every payment is safe.

Payment APIs

Aeropay's APIs allow businesses to integrate a seamless bank payment experience into their platforms.

Start by reading through the Payment Tutorials.

Payment SDK

Aeropay's SDK is our turn-key payments solution. Integrate Aeropay's payment widget into your mobile application, ecommerce checkout, or other platform in under a week.

Start by reading through the SDK Integration Guide.

Compare Integration Options

API IntegrationSDK IntegrationHybrid Integration
Timeline2 week timeline< 1 week timeline2 week timeline
UXFully embedded experienceAeropay payment widgetMix of co-branded SDK and API
User creationWhite-labeled user registrationSDK user registrationSDK user registration
ResourcesFull development team & resourcesFull development team & limited resourcesLimited development team & resources
ManagementAPI-based transaction managementMerchant portal transaction managementAPI-based transaction management

Bank Connections

Connect to over 9,000+ financial institutions with Aerosync's direct bank connections. With redundant underlying data sources, manual bank connection fallbacks, and full end-user support, Aerosync provides a best in class bank connection experience for your users.

Ask your Aeropay representative today about customizing your Aerosync widget to fit your platform's branding.

Choose from our list of Aerosync SDK widgets.

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