Step 3 - Retrieve Job Items


Once a migration job is complete, you may want to retrieve a list of items from a specified job to check for success and track any error that might have occurred during the bank data migration. This job retrieval endpoint will pull statuses on all items in your migration file.

Fetch Aerosync Token

Fetching statuses on the migration jobs require a separate Aerosync-specific token, different from the tokens used for payment APIs (user creation, transactions).

Staging - POST <<>

Production - POST <<>

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
	"apiSecret": "test1"

Response Example

    "status": "success",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "TTL": "1800",
    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiIxYTJlNTBkMi01OWFlLTQ5OTktYjMyZC00YTQ5YjM3YmMyN2EiLCJleHAiOjE3MTUyMDIyNjYsIkNsaWVudElkIjoiMWYyMTIzNTYtZmNlYi00MmViLWFiZTQtYWE5MjJhY2YyY2Q1IiwiQ2xpZW50TmFtZSI6IkFlcm9wYXkgRGV2In0.4LUNZB5gIAsJi9niz65w4Qr6n_qo17UlefunJ2SJM7w"

Retrieve Job Items

Staging - POST

Production - POST

Request Parameters

client_idYesstringIdentifier of client specified within the migration file
job_idYesstringIdentifier for specific job (obtained from step 2)

Request Example

Authorization: Bearer {token}

Response Example (item success)

            "created_at": "2024-08-14T16:57:49.427491+00:00",
            "user_password": "156631dbc3e14917953b256164b13b22",
            "valid_format": true,
            "item_id": "bf911f65-8071-46f7-be14-e09c72bd6ff6",
            "account_number": "8311126393",
            "routing_number": "221472815",
            "email": "",
            "updated_at": "2024-08-14T16:58:13.680398+00:00",
            "error_list": [],
            "user_id": "d17b5563deda4c86a09ea51b9395d923",
            "last_name": "TREFIMOVICH",
            "data_source_status": true,
            "first_name": "CRYSTAL",
            "link_status": true,
            "processing": false,
            "aero_pass_user_uuid": "640cf535-9b5b-4613-8555-064a38a8ae73",
            "account_type": "checking"

Response Example (item failed)

            "created_at": "2024-08-09T16:23:35.935977+00:00",
            "valid_format": false,
            "item_id": "04465528-faa9-4dfd-9ab5-2be0c5dace82",
            "account_number": "8311126111XX",
            "routing_number": "221472815K",
            "email": "",
            "updated_at": "2024-08-09T16:23:35.935977+00:00",
            "error_list": [
                "Invalid routing number: must be up to 9 digits and contain only numbers.",
                "Invalid account number: must be 5-17 digits without '*' or 'x'",
                "Invalid phone number: requires ISO formatting, which is [+][country code][number]",
                "Invalid email format",
                "Invalid account type: Only checking accounts allowed"
            "last_name": "Kent",
            "data_source_status": false,
            "first_name": "Clark",
            "link_status": false,
            "processing": false,
            "account_type": "savings"

Failure Reasons

Items can fail due to bad formatting on submission or rejection from our validation data source.

Error ListRemediation
Invalid email formatCheck your migration file and submit a valid email format for this connection.
Invalid phone number: requires ISO formatting, which is [+][country code][number]Check your migration file and submit phone number in the following format: (+1XXXXXXXXXX)
Invalid account number: must be 5-17 digits without '*' or 'x'Check your migration file and submit a valid bank account number.
Invalid routing number: must be up to 9 digits and contain only numbers.Check your migration file and submit a valid bank routing number.
Error linking bank into AeroPayBank connection failed on Aeropay. Retry user or contact support.
Error when creating AeroNetwork UserUser creation failed on Aeropass. Retry user or contact support.
Bank information invalidBank information was rejected by validation service. Account and routing number combination not valid or has a past history of fraud.
Error on client credentialsUser credentials failed to obtain a token on aeroPay /token

Pagination of items

If the response from the retrieve job items endpoint includes a UUID in the next_page parameter, this indicates that there are more items in subsequent pages.

To navigate to the next page:
Repeat the request but add the next_page query string parameter

The value of the next_page query string parameter will be the UUID from the response

Response Example (Items with next_page)

    "status": "success",  
    "statusCode": 200,  
    "client_id": "0afc7d759c",  
    "job_id": "c6cf5d59-b7b6-4312-8113-0a2007abca04",  
    "count_items": 1551,  
    "next_page": "b16d14bc-4deb-4bd7-a177-145581a6366f",  
    "items": [ ... ]  

to navigate to the next page, make a request to this URL (note the appended next_page query string param)
