User Flows

User definitions

New User - A user new to your platform and new to Aeropay. This user does not yet exist in Aeropay’s network and is created via POST /user API.

Network User - A user who exists in the Aeropay network but is new to your platform. Calling POST /user with this user’s information will kick off our confirmUser OTP flow.

Returning User - An existing user in both your platform and Aeropay network. This user has been created or associated with your merchant ID via the POST /user API.

Merchant - The onboarded merchant receiving the funds or initiating payouts to/from their bank account.

Variable Definitions

userId - A user identifier used in Aeropay's Pay product. This unique value identifies an individual within the Pay product only.

aeroPassUserUuid - A user identifier in the Aeropay network across all Aeropay products. This unique value identifies an individual within Pay and Sync and is returned from POST /user and GET /user.

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