Step 1 - Create Migration File


Whether you are migrating bank data to Aerosync for the first time, or migrating more data to Aerosync, you will need to create an migration file in .csv format to send to Aerosync via SFTP.


Before creating the migration file and uploading it you will need both Aeropay and Aerosync credentials.

Sync credentials will be used for generating tokens later on.

Create a Migration Job

A migration job will be created after the file has been processed by Aerosync. When testing in the sandbox environment, any account number (8-17 digits) or routing number (9-digits) will succeed. Migration files cannot be larger than 1,000 records.

CSV File Parameters

client_idYesStringIdentifier of client. Must be the same for entire file
first_nameYesStringFirst name of the bank account owner
last_nameYesStringLast name of the bank account owner
phone_numberYesStringPhone number of the bank account owner, in international format (+11234567890). This must match the exact phone number of the corresponding Aeropay user.
emailYesStringEmail address of the bank account owner
account_numberYesStringAccount number of the end user's bank account
routing_numberYesStringRouting number of the end user's bank account
account_typeYesStringJust allowing checking at the moment

File example


Upon submission, Aerosync will process the file, identify which bank accounts are valid or invalid, and allow you to retrieve the newly created job.