Step 3 - Link a bank to the User

Link a bank with Aerosync

Aerosync is a bank aggregator that allows a user to connect with both the largest FIs and local credit unions across the U.S. It supports bank OAuth flows for fast connections and quick balance refresh.

Step 3A - Retrieve an Aerosync widget URL & token

HTTP request

Sandbox - GET
Production - GET

Note the aggregator query parameter setting Aerosync as the aggregator your user will link their bank with.

Code Example - Request

Make a request to Aeropay's GET /aggregatorCredentials endpoint. You'll need to input aerosync as the value for the aggregator query parameter.

curl --request GET  
     --url '<'>  
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'authorizationToken: Bearer {{token}}'

Code Example - Response

    "success": true,  
    "fastlinkURL": "<">,  
    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkNDYzZjhhYwefNmEyLTQzOTctOWIyNC00NWYzZGY2MDcxYjciLCJleHAiOjE2ODY0Mzk4NTYsInVzZXJJZCI6ImU3OTQzMmNiOWFmNTQ2ZTRiMDBiN2NmMDU3ZjdlZWEyIiwidXNlclBhc3N3b3JkIjoiODYxNDg3OGExMzEyNDA2Njg5MDBlN2VkMGNhNDhkNTkiLCJDbGllbnRJZCI6InRlc3QxIiwiQ2xpZW50TmFtZSI6ImNsaWVudDEifQ.XufkfsgGc7CGDy8DZRTOc0e\_-kJYt9puyCAqneX4Ze0",  
    "username": "e79432cb9af546e4b00b7cf057fasea2"  


Keep note of the URL and token from the response. You'll need it for the next step.

Step 3B - Load the Aerosync widget

Follow one of the guides to initialize and launch the Aerosync widget within your application. These guides also explain how to interact the widget and it's postMessage events:


For a full integration guide on Aerosync, check out our Guide

Aerosync Developer Implementation Guide


Keep note of the values returned from the widget's onSuccess() event. You'll use them for the next step.

Code Example - Response (older SDK versions)

    "ClientName": "client3",  
    "FILoginAcctId": "{\"u_guid\":\"USR-701a457e-5b93-4598-b7a1-b968c495ee3f\", \"m_guid\": \"MBR-d699c457-90f7-4b96-96c1-c50a445eabec\", \"a_guid\": \"ACT-9f5549d6-e402-43f4-8351-cd4018de7a80\"}",  
    "user_id": "a2c7f64f-3df9-4090-b3bd-ad6fc3003c90",  
    "user_password": "735e33b9-78ec-4887-99d7-a3056997ceb9"  

Step 3C - Connect bank account to Aeropay

Now that a user has connected their bank account with Aerosync - the next step is to link that bank account to Aeropay. You'll need to make a request to Aeropay's POST /linkAccountFromAggregator endpoint.

HTTP request

Sandbox - POST
Production - POST

Request parameters

user_idYesStringThis value is returned from the Aerosync widget. Depending on the Aerosync SDK version you are using, this will either be the id or userId value.
user_passwordYesStringThis value is returned from the Aerosync widget. Depending on the Aerosync SDK version you are using, this will either be the user_password or connectionId value.

Code Example - Request

curl --request POST  
     --url <>  
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json'  
     --header 'accept: application/json'  
     --header 'authorizationToken: Bearer {{token}}'  
     --data '  
  "user_id": "a2c7f83f-4df9-4090-b3bd-ad6fc3003c90",  
  "user_password": "735e33b9-78ec-4887-99d7-a3056997sef3",  
  "aggregator": "aerosync"  

Code Example - Response

    "userBankInfo": {  
        "bankAccountId": "15991",  
        "userId": "11622",  
        "bankName": "Aerosync Bank (MFA)",  
        "accountLast4": "5016",  
        "name": "Aerosync Checking",  
        "externalBankAccountId": "",  
        "isSelected": "1",  
        "accountType": "checking",  
        "status": "verified",  
        "createdDate": "1686439169"  
    "success": true  


We prefer that each individual User has their own bank account.

For couples with joint bank accounts, they can reach out to support at Aeropay to get their shared bank account added to each of their individual Aeropay accounts.

Alternatively, the couple can choose to share a User account.

What’s Next

Now that you've added a bank account to your User, you can now create a Preauth Transaction