Implementation Guides

Welcome to the implementation guides. These guides will help you navigate how to implement the Aeropay API into your application from end-to-end.

Not sure where to start? Begin with walking through the transaction tutorial that best fits your use case.

Transaction Tutorials

Standard TransactionPreauthorized TransactionsPayout Transactions
OverviewStandard transactions are used for moving funds from end user to your merchant
Standard Transactions
Preauthorized transactions are used for authorizing payments from end use to your merchant to be captured at a later date.
Preauth Transactions
Payout transactions are used for moving funds from your merchant to the end user.
Payout Transactions
Use casesIn-store payments, in-app wallet depositsDeliveries, preordersWithdrawals, customer rewards

Manage transactions, user information, and bank accounts

Merchants can manage manage their transactions, user bank accounts, or user information via API or the Aeropay merchant portal.

User information can be managed via API or the Aeropay merchant portal.

Reporting & Reconciliation

Pull transaction reports for payment reconciliation and monitoring.


Subscribe to Aeropay's webhooks and listen for updates to user status and transaction statuses, including ACH return codes.