User Reputation (Trusted User Program)


The bank account migration API enables the Aeropay merchants to update Aeropay user statuses in real time. With smart routing, you're in control. Whether you want to assign special statuses to trusted customers or block users who are bad actors on your platform, Aeropay's smart routing user reputation gives you the freedom to choose how customers can transact.

Aeropay's User Reputation APIs allow you to:

  • Assign trusted users. Allow your trusted users to make transactions at higher deposit values, cover their returns, and drive more engagement from these power users.
  • Block users on your platform that are no longer following your community standards.
  • Continuously update and assign the reputation of your users in the Aeropay merchant portal or via API.
  • Filter transactions in the merchant portal by user type to understand your activity.
  • Bulk assign the reputation of users.

How to integrate User Reputation

See the guide below on how to integrate the user reputation APIs, or hop right to the API references:

Reputation Status Glossary

Reputation IntegerDescription
0Standard Reputation
1Trusted Reputation
2Blocked Reputation

Update User Reputation

Call POST /merchantReputation to update a user's reputation status with a merchant-scoped token.

Request Example

curl --request POST \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'
    --data '
            "userReputations": [
              {"userId": "12973", "reputation": 1}, // update to trusted user
              {"userId": "12704", "reputation": 0}, // update to standard
              {"userId": "14282", "reputation": 2} // update to blocked

Response Example

    "success": true,
    "error": null

Merchant Reputation Webhook

After you've sent a request to update your users' reputations, listen to the merchant_reputation_updated webhook to be notified of successful reputation updates. This webhook will list out which users we were able to update the reputation for and any failures that may have occurred.

 "topic": "merchant_reputation_updated",
 "data": {
  "totalUsersUpdated": 3, 
  "totalFailures": 0, 
  "totalNotEligibleUsers": 0, 
  "failedReputationUpdates": [],
  "notEligibleUsers": [], 
  "successfulReputationUpdates": [
    {"userId": 12695, "previousReputation": null, "currentReputation": 1}, 
    {"userId": 1103154, "previousReputation": 1, "currentReputation": 0}, 
    {"userId": 13055, "previousReputation": 2, "currentReputation": 0}
 "date": "2024-07-31 21:36:16"

Fetch User Reputation

Call GET /merchantReputation to fetch a user's current reputation status with a merchant-scoped token.

Request Example

curl --request GET \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Response Example

    "success": true,
    "error": null,
    "merchantId": "1522",
    "dateModified": "2024-08-08 13:51:03",
    "paging": null,
    "userId": "12973",
    "userReputation": 1