Reporting & Reconciliation

Reporting APIs

Aeropay offers a number of APIs that can be used to fetch all transactions, users, and aggregated transaction totals for your merchant. Your team can leverage these endpoints for reporting and reconciliation of funds or analytics on transaction and user activity.

1. POST /transactionSearch

Searching for a transaction can be done using the GET /transactionSearch endpoint. Transactions can be searched by merchant, date, user information, transaction uuid, or transaction id. Transaction search API will return a list of transactions for the specified search.

HTTP request

Sandbox - POST
Production - POST

Request parameters

merchantIdYesStringMerchantId of the transactions being searched
searchYesStringThe value being searched for, based on the searchType
searchTypeYesStringThe transaction attribute being searched on: transactionId, uuid, userId, phone, email, name, locationId, merchantId, default. searchType default will fetch all transactions for your merchant
dateStartNoStringStart date of search range in ISO 8601 format %m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S
dateEndNoStringEnd date of search range in ISO 8601 format %m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S
timezoneNoStringTimezone of date range. Ex: America/Chicago
pageNoStringPage number.
perPageNoStringNumber of transactions returned per page. Default to 50.
orderByNoStringOrder search by 'asc' or 'desc'
sortByNoStringSort search by value: id, startTime, amount, userId. Defaults to userId.

Code Example - Request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorizationToken: token' \
     --data '
  "searchType": "userId",
  "merchantId": "123",
  "search": "543",
  "dateStart": "05-13-1995 00:00:00",
  "dateEnd": "04-20-2023 23:59:59",
  "timezone": "America/Chicago"

Code Example - Response

    "data": {
        "id": "1331210",
        "status": "pending",
        "userId": "123543",
        "merchantId": "575",
        "locationId": "675",
        "title": "Online Transaction",
        "amount": "174.00",
        "apFee": "3.12",
        "createdDate": "1686864379",
        "modifiedDate": "1686864379",
        "transactionId": "None",
        "handshakeType": "ol",
        "duration": "00:00:00",
        "deviceId": "None",
        "paymentType": "payment",
        "attributes": [],
        "userAccountId": "1",
        "merchantAccountId": "392",
        "internalAmount": "17400",
        "uuid": "76c2c9e0-c756-4ccd-b980-2f72d15e3dc0"

2. GET /searchCustomersForMerchant

All customers who have transacted with the merchant can be accessed via our GET /searchCustomersForMerchant API.

HTTP request

Sandbox - GET
Production - GET

Query parameters

merchantIdYesStringMerchantId of the transactions being searched
pageNoStringPage number.
perPageNoStringNumber of transactions returned per page. Default to 50.
orderByNoStringOrder search by 'asc' or 'desc'
sortByNoStringSort search by value: id, startTime, amount, userId. Defaults to userId.

Code Example - Request

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'
     --header 'authorizationToken: Bearer {{token}}'

Code Example - Response

    "customers": [
            "userId": "13000",
            "firstName": "Harry",
            "lastName": "Cohen",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "+13334442345",
            "hasValidated": "None",
            "customerId": "None",
            "receivesEmail": "0",
            "totalTransactionAmount": "200",
            "totalTransactionCount": "1",
            "firstTransaction": "2023-08-23 20:54:16",
            "lastTransaction": "2023-08-23 20:54:16",
            "currency": "USD",
            "profImgUrl": null
            "userId": "12999",
            "firstName": "Luke",
            "lastName": "Doe",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "+144423287978",
            "hasValidated": "None",
            "customerId": "None",
            "receivesEmail": "0",
            "totalTransactionAmount": "3765",
            "totalTransactionCount": "3",
            "firstTransaction": "2023-08-22 19:08:40",
            "lastTransaction": "2023-08-23 18:56:43",
            "currency": "USD",
            "profImgUrl": null
    "paging": {
        "totalPages": 4,
        "totalItems": 193,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "itemsPerPage": 2
    "success": true

3. GET /reports/transactions/totals

The GET /reports/transactions/totals endpoint returns aggregated information about the merchant’s transactions over a given time period.

HTTP request

Sandbox - GET
Production - GET

Query parameters

merchantIdYesStringMerchantId of the transactions in report.
dateBeginYesStringStart date of report range in DD-MM-YYYY format.
dateEndYesStringEnd date of report range in DD-MM-YYYY format.
timezoneYesStringISO 8601 timezone value. Default is UTC.

Code Example - Request

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorizationToken: Bearer {{token}}'

Code Example - Response

    "chargeTotal": "140,509.90",
    "tipTotal": "0.00",
    "feeTotal": "4,344.19",
    "rewardsTotal": "0.00",
    "payoutsTotal": "0.00",
    "refundsTotal": "0.00",
    "netTotal": "136,165.71"

4. GET /reports/transactions/CSV

The GET /merchantreports/transactions/CSV endpoint will return a csv export of all your transaction information. The CSV will be sent to the emails specified.

HTTP request

Sandbox - GET
Production - GET

Query parameters

merchantIdYesint32MerchantId of the transactions in report.
dateBeginYesStringStart date of report range in DD-MM-YYYY format.
dateEndYesStringEnd date of report range in DD-MM-YYYY format.
timezoneYesStringISO 8601 timezone value. Default is UTC.
pageNoint32If specified along with size, set page number.
sizeNoint32If specified along with page, set page size.
emailNostringComma separated list of emails to receive the CSV report.

Code Example - Request

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorizationToken: Bearer {{token}}'

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