Error Glossary
NOTE: All Aeropay errors return with HTTP 200 response
Error responses include a 'success' value of false, along with a 'code' value, i.e. (AP002), and a message 'error' that contains more information on the issue
"success": false,
"code": "AP700",
"error": "Missing required Parameter: 'merchantId'"
POST /token and some newer endpoints return error codes and messages nested in 'error' exampled below
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": "AP002",
"message": "invalid API key or secret key"
Aeropay Error Glossary
Authentication & General Errors (AP00X)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP001 | Invalid API Keys or API keys were not provided. | Double check API Key/secret and other params | "API key and secret key required" |
AP002 | API key/secret invalid or insufficient permissions on merchant/user | Double check API Key/secret and other params | "Invalid API key or secret key" |
AP003 | Your merchant account is locked. | Please reach out to the Aeropay team. | "Account locked" |
AP004 | Missing token. | Include the authorization token in your header of your request. | "Missing authorization header token" |
AP005 | Client session is invalid. | Refresh your session. | "Session does not match client." |
AP006 | Unauthorized user | Check the token of your call to ensure you're using the correct scope. | "Client is not authorized for this scope." |
AP007 | Token has expired. | Retrieve a new token. | "Token has expired" |
AP008 | Invalid token. | Retrieve a new token. | "Invalid token" |
AP009 | MerchantUser not authorized for merchantId. | Check the API URL and token to ensure you're in the correct scope. | "Unauthorized" |
AP010 | MerchantUser not authorized for call. | Check the API URL and token to ensure you're in the correct scope. | "Unauthorized" |
AP011 | MerchantUser not authorized for transaction. | Check the API URL and token to ensure you're in the correct scope. | "Unauthorized" |
Users & Merchants (AP1XX & AP2XX)
Error Core | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP101 | Invalid or missing authentication token | Double check correct token and token scope is being used, and that 'authenticationToken' is provided in headers of call | "No Authenticated User" |
AP102 | Error creating user in the database | Check that the user information is correct, or retry at a later date. | "Unable to create user." |
AP103 | Issue with user reputation | There is an issue setting the user's reputation. Reach out to Aeropay support. | "Unable to set user reputation level for user {user}" |
AP104 | User information not provided during user creation | Ensure all necessary information is provided on user profile. | "Can not extract user information." |
AP105 | Area code missing | Provide area code for phone number | "Phone number {phone_number} missing area code." |
AP106 | Improper phone number format | Ensure phone number is properly formatted | "Phone number {phone_number} is improperly formatted." |
AP107 | User already exists | User already exists for the provided account information. You may need to verify the user or fetch their information. | "User already exists" |
AP108 | Cannot create user | Error creating a new user. Reach out to Aeropay support. | "Error adding user" |
AP109 | User is disabled | The user should email [email protected] if they’ve made payments. If they are a new user, they should contact [email protected] | "We've detected delinquent activity on your account. Reach out to [email protected] to reactivate your account." |
AP110 | User is missing required info to transact | Verify user has valid first and last names, email and phone number | "Your profile is incomplete. Please contact [email protected] to finish setting up before completing this transaction." |
AP111 | Invalid MFA code | Provided user verification code is incorrect, prompt user to enter correct code. | "Invalid verification code" |
AP112 | Failed MFA too many times | Failed user verification too many times. User will have to retry later. | "Max attempts exceeded" |
AP113 | User does not exist | This user does not exist. Ensure you have the correct userId. | "User does not exist" |
AP115 | Phone number invalid | Ensure the phone number being used is a valid US mobile number in ISO format (+1XXXXXXXXXX). Landlines, VOIPs, or prepaid numbers are invalid. | "We're sorry, but the type of phone you entered is not supported or invalid. Please enter a valid mobile number to proceed." |
AP201 | Unable to fetch merchant | This merchant does not exist. Ensure you have the correct merchantId. | "No merchant exists for username {merchant_id}" |
AP202 | Unable to fetch merchant | This merchant does not exist. Ensure you have the correct merchantId. | "No merchant user exists for merchant user id {user_id}." |
AP203 | Unable to fetch location | This locationid may not exist. Ensure you have the correct locationid. | "Unable to get location for merchant id {merchant_id}." |
AP204 | Location not for merchant | This locationid does not exist for your merchant. Ensure you have the correct locationid. | "Location {location} not for merchant." |
AP205 | Unable to get rewards and fees | Failed to get rewards and fees. Reach out to Aeropay | "Unable to get rewards and fees for merchant {merchant}." |
AP206 | Unable to get merchant | Failed to get merchant. Reach out to Aeropay. | "Unable to get merchant account for id {account_id}." |
AP207 | Unable to find merchant | Unable to find a merchant by id. Ensure you have the correct merchantId. | "No Merchant found for id {merchant}." |
AP208 | Unable to find merchant by uuid | Unable to find merchant by uuid. Ensure you have the correct location uuid. | "Failed to fetch location for uuid {uuid}." |
AP209 | Location and merchant do not match | Location uuid and merchantId do not match. Ensure you have the correct merchantId and location uuid. | "Location uuid {uuid} does not match the merchant {merchant}." |
AP210 | Merchant not verified | Your merchant account is not verified. Contact Aeropay compliance for more details. | "This merchant is not activated, please contact [email protected] for more information." |
Transactions (AP3XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP300 | Bank Connection Error | The balance refresh of this user’s account failed and is usually caused by the user resetting their banking password or security settings within online banking. Balances will also become stale within 6-12 months. This is called a UAR (User-Action Required) error where the user must reconnect their account or contact Aeropay where we will assess if we can override their balance check. | "We are having issues connecting to your bank. Try reconnecting your bank or reach out to [email protected] to resolve the issue." |
AP301 | Blocked User | This user's account is currently in a blocked status. Direct the user to contact [email protected] to resolve the issue. | "User {username} is blocked." |
AP302 | Insufficient Funds | The user’s current balance does not meet the transaction amount. Pending transactions in the user’s account may be impacting the total available balance. The user must deposit additional funds into their connected account. (This may take 1-2 business days to be reflected) | "We could not approve your payment. Your available balance might be insufficient for this transaction. Please add more funds to your account or contact [email protected] for more information." |
AP303 | Transaction Missing Location | The transaction request is missing the location code required to complete the payment. Please reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Transaction missing location." |
AP304 | Amount exceeds maximum limit for merchant | The requested transaction amount exceeds the daily limit on your merchant account. Please reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "'Transaction amount {amount} exceeds limit.'" |
AP305 | Account Blocked | Specific to /payoutTransaction: The user has an outstanding declined transaction. The user should email [email protected] if they’ve made payments. If they are a new user, they should contact [email protected] | "We've detected delinquent activity on your account. Reach out to [email protected] to reactivate your account." |
AP306 | Balance does not meet requirement | The user's available bank account balance is insufficient to cover the transaction. The user must deposit additional funds into their connected account. (This may take 1-2 business days to be reflected) | "We could not approve your payment. Your available balance might be insufficient for this transaction. Please add more funds to your bank account or contact [email protected] for more information". |
AP307 | Transaction Not Approved | Aeropay’s machine learning model did not approve the transaction after assessing its likelihood to decline. The user may contact the Aeropay Team for a possible override at [email protected] | "We could not approve your payment. Our payment protection engine predicts this transfer could overdraft. Try a smaller amount or contact [email protected]. FAQ." |
AP308 | Invalid amount | The amount submitted for the transaction does not match a standard monetary format. Please retry the amount with a limit of two decimal places. | "'Invalid amount: {reason}'" |
AP310 | Credit transaction was declined | The transaction request was malformed. Please reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "We're sorry, your transaction request has been declined." |
AP311 | Bank Account attempted to be removed while it still has pending payments | A user's active bank account cannot be removed until pending payments are resolved. Please wait until the user's pending payments are completed before removing the account or contact Aeropay for more information. | "Bank Account has pending payments." |
AP312 | Preauth already captured | Specific to /preauthTransaction: this preauthorized transaction has already been captured. | "Preauth has already been captured by Transaction #{transaction}." |
AP313 | Preauth capture ineligible | The preauth transaction is not eligible for capture. Please contact Aeropay for more information. This error is common when trying to capture canceled preauth transactions. | "Preauthorized Transaction with status of {status} not eligible for capture." |
AP314 | Transaction uuid already exists | The transaction UUID is already in use. Please provide unique transaction uuids that follow standard UUID formating. | "Transaction with uuid of {uuid} already exists" |
AP315 | Guardrail reject | This transaction was rejected by Aeropay's guardrails. Please contact Aeropay for more information. | "We could not approve your payment. Our AI protection engine predicts this transfer could overdraft. Try a smaller amount or contact [email protected] " |
Bank Linking (AP4XX & AP5XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP400 | User has no banks connected and cannot transact | Connect a bank account for user | "Connect your bank account to initiate a transaction." |
AP401 | Bank account id does not belong to user attempting to transact | Provide valid bankAccountId or remove bankAccountId param and transaction will use user's default bank account | "We cannot validate the account you're attempting to connect. Please connect a valid account." |
AP402 | Merchant bank account invalid | Your merchant account may not have a valid bank account. Reach out to your Aeropay representative. | "No bank account for merchant id {merchant}." |
AP403 | Blocked routing number | The users's bank account has been disabled for security purposes. Try again later. | "Sorry, your bank is not supported at this time. Please connect to a different account. Questions? Contact [email protected] ." |
AP404 | Routing number provided does not pass validation | Confirm valid routing number. | "We could not validate your routing number." |
AP405 | Error adding bank | Confirm valid bank account for user. There may be an issue with bank linking at this time. | "Error adding user bank account." |
AP406 | Account number provided does not pass validation | Confirm valid account number. | "Invalid account number" |
AP407 | User flagged as malicious and has been blocked from bank linking | The user may contact the Aeropay Team for a possible override at [email protected] | "Bank linking has been disabled on your account. Please contact [email protected] to resolve." |
AP408 | Invalid aggregator | Provide a supported aggregator | "Unknown Aggregator {aggregator}" |
AP409 | Invalid redirectURI | Provide a valid redirectURI | "redirectURI invalid." |
AP410 | This bank account is already linked to another user | The user may contact the Aeropay Team for a possible resolution at [email protected] | "There was an issue linking your bank account. please contact [email protected] to resolve." |
AP411 | Invalid account type | User may have connected a non-checking account. Ensure checking account is linked. | "Invalid account connected for processing payments. Please connect a checking account." |
AP412 | Bank account has been removed from users account | Provide valid bankAccountId or remove bankAccountId param and transaction will use user's default bank account | "This account has already been removed.." |
AP413 | Bank account does not belong to merchant | Merchant bank account may not be valid. Reach out to Aeropay representative. | "Bank account {account} does not belong to merchant {merchant}." |
AP414 | Bank linking limit reached | User has already linked 5 unique accounts. | "Sorry, you've linked the maximum number of accounts to your Aeropay profile. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions." |
AP415 | Bank linking limit reached | User has already linked this routing + accounting combination 3 times before. | "Sorry, you've already linked this bank account before. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions." |
AP500 | Outstanding micro deposit | Confirm micro deposit before linking bank. | "Outstanding manual bank link for account ending in {last 4}." |
AP501 | Microdeposit failed | Unable to create microdeposit. Try again later or reach out to support. | "Unable to create micro deposit for account ending in {last 4}." |
AP502 | Microdeposit failed | Unable to fetch microdeposit. Try again later or reach out to support. | "Unable to get micro deposit." |
AP503 | Microdeposit failed | Exceeded max number of allowed micro deposit failures. | "Exceeded maximum number of attempts for account ending in {last 4}. |
AP504 | Incorrect microdeposit amounts | Provide correct micro deposit amounts. | "At least one of these amounts is incorrect. Please ensure you are entering two different amounts exactly as they appear in your account." |
AP505 | Microdeposit batch failure | Aeropay is unable to batch the microdeposits. Try another bank or reach out to support. | "'Unable to batch microdeposits." |
AP506 | Microdeposit batch failure | Aeropay is unable to batch the microdeposits. Try another bank or reach out to support. | "Aeropay is unable to batch the microdeposits. Try another bank or reach out to support." |
Subscriptions (AP6XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP600 | Error Fetching Subscription(s) | We were not able to locate the subscription(s). Please contact Aeropay for assistance. | "Error Fetching subscription." |
AP601 | No Subscription for id | There isn't an active subscription associated with the ID provided. Please contact Aeropay for assistance. | "No subscription for id {subscription_id}" |
AP602 | Missing Subscription Id | The subscription request is missing a subscription ID. Please retry the subscription request with a valid subscription ID. | "A SubscriptionId is required." |
AP603 | Failed to Fetch Subscription Enrollments | We were not able to pull the requested list of users enrolled in this subscription. Please contact Aeropay for assistance. | "Failed to fetch subscription enrollments." |
AP604 | Enrollments must be for the specified merchant | Only users on your merchant account can be associated with subscriptions. Please contact Aeropay for assistance. | "Enrollments must be for the specified merchant." |
AP605 | A Merchant is Required | A merchant ID was not included in the subscription request. Please contact Aeropay for assistance. | "A merchant is required" |
AP606 | Bank Account attempted to be removed while it still has subscriptions | A user's active bank account cannot be removed if the user is associated with an active subscription. Please remove the user from the subscription before removing the primary bank account. | "Bank Account attempted to be removed while it still has subscriptions" |
AP607 | Subscription does not belong to the merchantId | The subscription ID provided does not belong to your merchant account. Please contact Aeropay for assistance. | "Subscription #{subscriptionId} does not belong to merchant #{merchantId}." |
AP608 | Subscription is marked as removed | The subscription ID provided is for an inactive subscription. Please utilize an active subscription ID or contact Aeropay for assistance. | ""Subscription #{subscriptionId} is removed." |
General/Other Errors (AP700, AP800, AP900)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP700 | Payload is missing required parameter | Include the missing required parameter | "Missing required Parameter: '{parameter}'" |
AP800 | Shopify integration: access token missing | There is no access token for given scope. Reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "No access token for shopify scope: {scope}" |
AP900 | Error calling external API | An issue arose calling an external API. Reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Error when calling {api} API, returned with HTTP status code {code}" |
Internal Errors (AP10XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP1000 | Invalid API endpoint | Double check the endpoint you are calling is valid. Try again or reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Invalid API'" |
AP1001 | Issue with Aeropay database | Reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Error committing to database in function {self.function}" |
AP1002 | Error calling Internal API | An issue arose processing a user's transaction. Try again or reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Error processing transaction history {function}" |
Webhooks (AP11XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP1100 | Invalid webhook topic | Provide valid topic or webhook Id for webhook delete | "Topic or webhook Id required to delete webhook" |
AP1101 | Error fetching webhook | Aeropay is unable to fetch webhook. Try again later or contact Aeropay. | "Error fetching webhook" |
AP1102 | No topic provided | Provide a valid topic for webhook. | "topic required to create webhook" |
AP1103 | No url provided | Provide a valid url for webhook. | "Url is invalid or missing" |
AP1104 | Invalid topic | Provide a valid url for webhook. | "Unrecognized topic: {topic}" |
AP1105 | Error creating webhook | Webhook could not be created. Try again later or contact Aeropay. | "Error creating webhook" |
AP1106 | Error deleting webhook | Webhook could not be deleted. Try again later or contact Aeropay. | "Error deleting webhook" |
AP1107 | No merchant provided | Provide a valid merchantId. | "A Merchant is required" |
Merchant Bill Error (AP12XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP1200 | Failed to create a payout transaction | Try again or reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Could not create Merchant Bill Transaction for merchantId {merchant_id}" |
AP1201 | Failed to create payout or invoice payment | Try again or reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Could not create Bill for merchantId {merchant_id}" |
AP1202 | Issue fetching merchant for payout or invoice payment | Try again or reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Could not fetch Bill for merchantId {merchant_id}" |
AP1203 | Issue updating merchant for payout or invoice payment | Try again or reach out to Aeropay for assistance. | "Could not update Merchant Bill for merchantId {merchant_id}" |
Refunds (AP13XX)
Error Code | Meaning | Resolution | Message |
AP1300 | Transaction already refunded | Transaction has already been refunded, no refund needs to be issued. | "Transaction #{transaction_id} has already been refunded by Transaction #{reversal_transaction_id}" |
AP1301 | Refund already queued | Transaction has already been queued for refund, no action needs to be taken. | "Transaction {transaction_id} has already been queued for a refund" |
AP1302 | Invalid refund amount | Provide refund amount less than or equal to the transaction amount. | "Refund amount must be equal to or less than the original transaction amount" |
AP1303 | Negative refund amount | Cannot refund a negative amount. | "Refund amount must be positive" |
AP1304 | Invalid transaction type for refund | Transaction cannot be refunded due to transaction type. | "{transaction_type} transactions cannot be refunded" |
Updated about 1 month ago